When Peace Like A River Song (Lyrics)

When Peace Like a River is a comforting hymn that speaks of faith and trust in God during life’s struggles. The lyrics remind believers to remain steadfast, even in sorrow or hardship. It expresses deep …

When Peace Like A River Song (Lyrics)

When Peace Like a River is a comforting hymn that speaks of faith and trust in God during life’s struggles. The lyrics remind believers to remain steadfast, even in sorrow or hardship. It expresses deep peace and assurance, knowing that God’s love never fails.

The song’s message is one of hope, strength, and surrender to divine will. Many find solace in its words, especially in difficult times. This timeless hymn continues to inspire people across generations.

When Peace Like A River Song (Lyrics)

Song Credit

TitleWhen Peace Like a River (It Is Well with My Soul)
LyricistHoratio G. Spafford
ComposerPhilip P. Bliss
Year Written1873
GenreChristian Hymn
ThemeFaith, Peace, Trust in God
Notable MessageFinding peace in God despite hardships


When peace like a river, attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well, with my soul

It is well
With my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come
Let this blest assurance control
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate
And hath shed His own blood for my soul

It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, o my soul!

It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)


The hymn “When Peace Like a River” speaks of finding peace even in sorrow. It reminds believers that no matter the trials, faith in Christ brings comfort. The song declares that sin has been forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice.

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It expresses gratitude and praises God for His unfailing love. The lyrics encourage trust in God’s plan, even in difficult times. This powerful hymn continues to inspire people worldwide.


When Peace Like a River” is a powerful hymn that brings hope, peace, and faith to those facing hardships. It reminds believers that God’s love and grace are constant, even in life’s storms. The song’s message of trust in Christ and the assurance of salvation offers deep comfort. Its timeless lyrics continue to inspire and strengthen hearts across generations.

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